Teenage Dirtbag
Look at me, Brad, I’m a man now. Just like you. Except, I don’t look like a faggot and talk all educated.

March 25th 2003
Nasiriyah, Iraq
Nasiriyah is a city which lies along the banks of the Euphrates River in the Dhi Qar Province, about 225 mi (362 km) southeast of Baghdad; its population is made up almost entirely of Shia Muslims.
On the morning of 23 March, a US Army supply convoy from the 507th Maintenance Company had mistakenly veered off Highway 8 and then turned toward the city into enemy-held territory. The US vehicles ran into an ambush, drawing enemy fire from every direction. Eleven American soldiers were killed and several were taken prisoner. However, a few soldiers managed to escape the ambush and form a screen around their wounded. They were soon rescued by a company from the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade (Task Force Tarawa) under the command of Major William Peeples.
The original plan was for Task Force Tarawa to take and hold the two bridges inside Nasiriyah, creating a corridor for the RCT1 and 6th Engineer Support Battalion from Battle Creek, MI to pass north through the city along Route 7.
However, after being stuck on- and south of the bridge over the Euphrates river, leading into Nasiriyah from the south, General Mattis has ordered the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion to make a break through the city and attack the city from the north, using the violence of action to disorganize the Fedayeen and Republican Guard forces, allowing the rest of RCT1 to push into the city.

Your mission:
2nd Platoon of Bravo Company, that’s you, will lead the breakthrough, making an unexpected push all along the main highway that goes through Nasiriyah, regroup, and mount small attacks taking out key positions and assets of the Iraqi forces in the city. The key word is: TEMPO, TEMPO, TEMPO!
You are to drive fast and directly through the city, regroup, and await further orders from Battalion.
ROE is weapons free as the entire city is declared hostile, but Godfather does feel we are killing too many civilians, so take an extra second to check if the haji really is armed, if possible.
USN F/A-18s are on standby for CAS support. (Might be a player if there are enough infantrymen).
Mission notes:
The Company Command has the overall mission responsibility, while the platoon commander, who is in Hitman 2-2 but has the callsign Hitman 2-0/Actual, has the responsibility of commanding the platoon; making sure they keep moving and that they carry out the objectives given. This is USMC vehicle convoy doctrine, so don’t blame me.
The MOPP-suits you are wearing do require the contact DLC, so you will have a watermark if you do not own it (just like in Crin’s MIST op), if you REALLY cannot stand the watermark I could provide you another uniform, but it will look like ass.
You are equipped with Gas Masks but do not have to wear them unless a chemical or SCUD attack is suspected.
Music will be played so keep your music audio on.
Modpack - The War Shed Iraq 2003