Operation Rogue Signal
A Belorussian outpost near the border received a distress signal from a science team sent deep into the zone to study the anomaly field close to the reactor building.

Situation Report
April 30th 2015
The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone has been expanding for 29 years since the disaster on April 26th 1986. The Ukrainian government has been increasing their security around the zone for years to not let anything out and, most importantly, not let anything in. However, governments around the world were interested in the secrecy of "the Zone" as there were rumors circulating that it's just a cover-up for a much larger project that got out of control and had to be contained.
Yesterday, April 29th, a Belorussian outpost close to the border received a distress signal from a science team sent deep into the zone to study the anomaly field close to the reactor building. Their lead researcher, Dr Victor Fiodorow tried to send a data pack to a Clear Sky research base but was interrupted as mechanized elements of "the Monolith" descended on their outpost wiping out most of the security team and sending Fiodorow and his security chief fleeing into the city of Pripyat.
A joint US-RUS operation has been established to recover Fiodorow and his data from the heart of the Zone.
- Rescue Doctor Victor Fiodorow from the centre of Pripyat
- Find a way to send the transmission with data through the jammer field
We expect that you will lose all radio contact in Pripyat due to jammers installed around the city. You will need to disable these jammers to regain contact.
- A group of free Stalkers to guide the task force through the Swamp 2 Russian
- Alpha Group squads (Volk 1-1, 1-2) and 2 CIA squads (Delta 2-1, 2-2)
Modpack - Stalker 2025