Operation Just Cause - Phase 1

Operation Just Cause

Operation Just Cause - Phase 1

The Republic of Cascadia is one of the many Pacific Ocean nations that found its independence in the final days of the Spanish Empire. A once reasonably stable island nation acting as a heart of international trade between Americas and East Asia it has recently fallen into a state of decay.

The current democratic government, although making slow progress still handles the remnants of a horrific occupation by the Japanese during WWII, and subsequent interference from both sides of the Cold War. With extreme factions all attempting to hold influence over the nation as a whole tensions have recently spilled over in the form of a violent military coup by a faction known as the 'Cascadian People's Liberation Front' and a following civil war.

It is unsure whether or not this spilling point was a coincidental natural occurrence of the Cascadian political climate, or a deliberate act of international brinkmanship. However, most concerning is the possibility of a Chinese ally in the Pacific. As such, the United States, with support from NATO, and its Pacific Allies have declared their support for the legitimate government of Cascadia and have begun laying out plans for an intervention in the Cascadian Civil war.


Map of Republic of Cascadia - Plus Approximate Frontlines



1x Platoon - US ARMY
2x Infantry Squads (8x) - 1 Command Element (x3)
2x Recon Team (5x)
2x M1126 APCs - M2 CROWS

Infantry Platoon + Recon Team - With vehicular assets in background


M1A2 SEPV2 Tanks Available to armoured Platoon

2x F-16 (CAS + Air Cover)

F-16C With Extensive Loadout Customisation Available

1x UH-60 (Logistics and Resupply)

UH-60s to be used for logistical support/reinsert

BRIEFING - Operations

The initial Phase of Operation Just cause is to ensure the security of the Cascadian Frontline. In this instance the priority is clearing the island of Selva Elpidia of CPLF forces and securing the bridge west of San Arulco, which acts as the Primary logistical route for the CPLF forces in the area.

The priority is clearing enemy forces out of major strongholds most notably the City of San Arulco, and the small town of Vidora. This offensive is to be co-ordinated with a Cascadian Army assault on the east side of the island, with the intention of cutting off the Isla Pista from the rest of the enemy lines.

During the liberation campaign, further assets (both US and Cascadian) will be provided to help secure vital positions when needed. This will be arranged once the initial capture is reported to high command.


It is a crucial factor to maintain the public support of the Cascadian people, and to ensure their safety during the operation. As such, there is a crucial emphasis on minimising collateral damage where possible. Heavy Ordinance must only be reserved for Obvious military targets, such as fortified buildings, garrisons and military facilities.

HOWEVER - exceptions can be made for positions that do not meet this criteria, IF the lives of personnel on the ground depend on such a strike happening. Every destroyed home is a propaganda win for the CPLF.


Image Depicts Cascadian Defence Force Personnel
Image Depicts Hostile Personnel present in Cascadia

Hostile Capabilities

CPLF forces are also backed by local militias and criminal organisations, these consist of light infantry that will utilise guerrilla tactics. There is also the possible presence of Chinese PMC groups - codenamed Greystone. These groups have used a wide variety of equipment, and generally operate in small elements.

Cascadian People's Liberation Front Capability
The main fighting force present on Cascadia. They have gained access to republic equipment, namely in the form of older spec western armour and aircraft. They have begun acting as a professional fighting force, and operate conventionally.
Infantry - Light Armour, Primarily operates in a motorised fashion with some mechanised elements.
Armour - Outdated Western Vehicles (M60s, M113s)
Helicopters - Based Mostly of UH-1s.
Aircraft - MD454 - Mysteres, and A-29 Super Tucanos.

Cascadian People's Militia Capability
A secondary fighting force consisting primarily of volunteer fighters sympathetic to the cause. Specialists in guerrilla tactics, they are mostly light motorised infantry, with fire support mainly consisting of drone based attacks.
Infantry - Very Light, but mostly uniformed infantry.
Vehicles - Mostly repurposed civilian vehicles.
Aircraft/Helicopters - NONE
OTHER - Drones, notably AT FPV drones.
Artillery - Podnos Mortars

Greystone PMC
A Chinese supported PMC that is present in the area. Notably better equipped than the CPLF, and the CPM, they make up the most dangerous infantry element. They mostly utilise armed motorised infantry tactics, with some helicopter support.
Infantry - Well Equipped and Well Armed, mix of equipment from various sources.
Vehicles - MRAPS and Motorised Assets.
Armour - N/A
Aircraft/Helicopters - Z9W

Additional Intel/Information

Based on observations from previous engagements between Cascadian Republic and CPLF forces, most (if not all) heavy assets are being co-ordinated by spotter units among their compositions. It is believed that eliminating these units before they can request support will hamper their ability to respond.

Secondary to this, some units are relying on supply from various supply bases. Eliminating these will cripple their fire support capacity. Based on the composition of our own fighting force. It is recommended that airborne assets and the Force Recon element, prioritise eliminating these positions. All elements can also intercept supply vehicles to assist in limiting fire support missions.

Modpack - JUST CAUSE Modpack 2024 v1